OpenAirKrishna Mahila Teacher’s Training College is an institution, which has the aim to provide real experience to the pupil teachers, not only for their all-round development but further when become teachers they contribute to the society for the growth and development of the personality of the students who come in their contact.??To Provide the pupile-Teachers the experience of creative and constructive ability, an’ Open Air Session is organized every year by the instution. This year it was held at ‘Sanwariya JI’ .??In the ‘Open Air Session’ all the puipl- teachers with the staff lived together for five days in nature with nature to have a direct contact and association with nature.??The Natural surroundings have the influence on their emotional and aesthetic life which leaves parmanent effect on personality and moulds cheracter for good.??It also helps the pupil-teachers with each other and the staff in close contact and they come to know and understand each other better.??The Open Air Session brings forth socio-emotional responses which is not easly found in every day life of the class room studies and in return the pupil teachers develop self discipline, self realization by arranging different activities themselves.
To achieve this, the pupil-teachers were provided opportunities for intensive study of physical and socio-economic and cultural environment, of the charming site, ‘Sanvariya Ji’ , and also surveying around and studying ‘Navodaya School’.??To help inculcate the sprite of peer group learning and community living, room layout, serving meals, competitions were organized.??To provide opportunities for independent thinking, self expression and creative thinking. ‘Daily Bulletin’, ‘Essay’, ‘Posters’ , ‘Wall Magazines’ , competitions were organized.??To provide learning opportunities and self discovering and self exploring many activities, ‘Camp-Fire’, ‘Solo Songs’ , ‘Group-Songs’ , ‘Solo Dance’, ‘Group Dance’ , ‘Mono Acting’ , ‘Fancy Dress’ , Competitions were organized.??To Inculcate the sprite of adventure and survival in the mids of adversity and challenge, ‘Yoga Classes’ were held for the pupil teachers an excursion was organized to ‘Awari Mata’ temple also.??The charm and beauty of the natural surroundings, the serenity of the temple atmosphere, gladdened and overwhelmed the hearts of everybody and each and everybody prayed and danced with the joy of harmony of nature.??The stupendons task of “Krishna Mahila Teacher’s Training College” is to develop an integrated personality of both intellect and emotions of the pupil teachers through proper and balanced education and this is successfully achieved through the “Open Air Session”
  • Academic Activities Tutorials
  • Tutorials- Group Discussions
  • Paper Sendings
  • Inventive??Practice
  • Open Air Activities- Block Practice Teaching
  • Practice Teaching
  • Seminars??
  • Participation??in various Inter??Disciplinary??Educational Activities with Education Dept??